Cells4Life Cord Blood Bank Reviews

What our customers say

Cells4Life is the UKโ€™s largest cord blood bank – more UK parents have chosen to store with us than any other stem cell storage company.

Read reviews from our customers below to find out why they trust us with their childrenโ€™s precious umbilical cord blood.

โ€œAs a parent you naturally want to protect your child, and taking the stem cells at birth is the easiest and most pain-free way to do so.โ€

Harry & Izzy Judd
The McFly drummer stored for daughter Lola Rose who was conceived using IVF

Dave Berry
โ€œAs a family we are so happy we went ahead and worked with Cells4life. It goes without saying that the birth of a child is all consuming but on the day they made it a simple and non-intrusive process.โ€

Dave Berry
Absolute Radio presenter

โ€œI knew it was something we had to do. Leoโ€™s stem cells are now stored and ready should he ever need them. It was reassuring to know that they may even be a match for his big sisters if ever they were ill.โ€

Kim Bromwich
Paediatric Surgical Nurse & Mum of four

โ€œAt the international level, you witness the magic that stem cells can do for injuries. When we found out that cord blood was the best source of stem cells Hinaya could have, we knew we had to do this for her.โ€

Harbhajan Singh & Geeta Basra
Indian International Cricketer and Bollywood Actress

The Cells4Life Difference

3x more stem cells

CellsPlus preserves 3x more stem cells at the point of treatment than our next best service, Cells.* More cells mean more treatments, ensuring your child can access stem cell therapies if and when they need to.

Multiple treatments

We give you the option to store your babyโ€™s cord blood and tissue in multiple portions, so that we can thaw just the amount required for a treatment and leave the remainder in storage for future therapies.

Dual storage locations

We are the only UK cord blood bank that offers to store your samples in two separate locations, providing added peace of mind in the unlikely event of a disaster at one of our storage facilities.

Optimised for delayed cord clamping

With TotiCyte, we canย process even the smallest quantities of blood left after delayed or optimal cord clamping, so you have the freedom to make the birth choices you want.

Jamie,ย mum of two

โ€œI knew immediately that if I could give my child one lifelong gift it would be this; the way I saw it, the cost was less than ยฃ100 per year over 20 years and may be the equivalent of taking just one less family vacation in that whole time.

At 5, my beautiful boy was diagnosed with high-functioning Autism. It was the beginning of a quest to find answers for anything that could make him better and in October 2017, we got clearance that he could receive an intravenous infusion of his cord blood at the Duke University Hospital.

Cells4Life,ย our deepest thanks to Tim Norris, coordinated the entire process. What came across so beautifully was how humane and concerned everyone involved with this was, even making follow up calls with the US team at 10pm in the night.

Our little one received his cord blood in the spring of 2018. Itโ€™s been just over a year and we followed up the intervention with intensive therapy.

He can now communicate his needs really well and is socialising to a point where he goes up to unknown kids in the park and asks โ€œdo you want to play?” More than anything else, when he puts his hands around my neck and looks into my eyes, I feel he can look into my soul.

If, on an effort scale of 1 to 10, we spent 8 managing his autism before the stem cells, we now spend less than 3. To us thatโ€™s really something and itโ€™s enough to have made a decision we took 10 years ago, totally worth it.”


Zoe Gillings-Brier
Team GB Olympic Snowboarder

โ€œLike all parents, I want the very best for my babies. When I got pregnant the first time, I spent ages reading books and researching on websites trying to find the right products and the best parenting tips to try for her. I wanted to make sure all eventualities were covered. Thatโ€™s why I knew cord blood banking was the right choice for me.

“When it came to something like this we wanted to go with a well established company. I read reviews of Cells4Life’s service and everything looked great. The service I received was brilliant. The sign up process was very quick, which I appreciated since it wasnโ€™t long until my due date. Everyone I dealt with was very friendly and happy to answer all my questions. They couldnโ€™t have been more helpful and were extremely professional throughout.

“When I got pregnant again 3 years later, I knew I wanted to do the same for my second child. Stem cells can protect the whole family but by storing for both of our children, we have that added peace of mind that theyโ€™ll both have a sample thatโ€™s their perfect genetic match if they need it. There was no question I would go back to the same company again as their service was brilliant the first time and it was just as good the second time.”

Georgia Woods
Mum of two

โ€œCord blood banking is an investment into the future of our new family. Stem cell storage was always part of our long term plan but after completing our research into my own condition and learning what it is that makes cord blood stem cells so special, I knew immediately that we made the right decision. This is all about safeguarding the future of our new family and ensuring that we can all live a normal, happy life. As new stem cell therapies develop, Iโ€™m confident that our decision will enable my family and I to make the most of them.โ€

Catherine McCormack

3 times Cells4Life customer

“I first heard about cord blood banking when I was working for an airline as cabin crew back in 2008. Part of the group I worked for offered their employees cord blood banking. However, at the time that company only offered a ‘public bank’, rather than a private storage of your child’s cord blood.

After reading all about it and the benefits it could possibly offer in the future, I knew it was something I really wanted to do when I had a baby. It was almost a sort of ‘guarantee’ for the future health of my children if, god forbid, anything were to go wrong with their health.

I started researching and looking around for a company that offered private stem cell storage as it was my personal choice not to store into a ‘public’ bank – and I came across Cells4Life! The best part about C4L is that they offered different storage options meaning you could choose at the time whatever was affordable for you.

Catherine has stored cord blood for three children
Fast forward to 2017 and I have used C4L a total of 3 times! I’ve had a natural with epidural birth, water birth with gas and air and a caesarean birth and I can honestly say with each birth the process of cord blood collection was so easy! In fact with my third child I was fairly out-of-it and it was all sorted out between the phlebotomist, my husband and the courier! We called the phlebotomist just as I was given my theatre slot time and as my phlebotomist wasn’t available another one came out to me with perfect timing to take a blood sample from me and do the cord blood collection.

Cells4Life make the whole process really straight forward. You are given a phlebotomist from Phlebotomy UK and they contact you personally at a time that suits you and discuss your pregnancy and expected type of birth/dates etc. The Phlebotomist talked me through the entire process and allayed any fears and answered any questions I had at the time. After the collection was taken away by courier, and the sample was analysed I was given a result by phone telling me the volume and the quality as a percentage. From start to finish Cells4Life were highly professional and also very knowledgeable as they can explain some of the amazing things that have been achieved with stem cells so far! I can’t recommend them highly enough!”

The Shetty family stored cord blood to treat cerebral palsy

Shilpa Shetty
Using their cord blood to treat cerebral palsy

โ€œOur eldest son Jay has cerebral palsy and like any mother, I will do everything possible to make life for better him. We discovered that cord blood stem cells could help treat his condition and we are eternally grateful to Cells4Life, not only for the support they provided when storing my younger sonโ€™s cord blood, but also for going out of their way to help promote our fundraising efforts for Jayโ€™s pioneering treatment.โ€


โ€œI found Cells4Life while I was researching all the different companies and I am so happy that I decided to store everything with them. They were always very helpful and explained everything, because I had no idea what I was doing or how everything worked. At first I thought everything would be so complicated and so difficult, I wasnโ€™t even sure how I could manage all of it while in labor, but it couldnโ€™t have been easier and I am forever grateful to them for how easy they made the whole thing.
I am also very grateful that I am able to give my baby this amazing protection in life, if she ever needs it. I truly and fully recommend Cells4Life to anyone who is looking to store they cord blood and cells! Thank you for everything!โ€

Anita Piese

โ€œThe service we received from our phlebotomist was first class. Jo was always at the end of the phone at the crucial build up to Oliverโ€™s arrival and Jo was extremely professional and very caring during the collection of the cells after heโ€™d been born, always there when I needed advice and to keep her updated during the pregnancy and due date, itโ€™s been an absolute pleasure to be part of this fantastic company and we have absolute praise for everyone we have dealt with.โ€

Lisa Whitehead

โ€œThank you to the entire team for being so understanding about our change in circumstances. All my experiences, both this time and with baby number 1, with Cells4Life has been very easy and professional โ€“ you all provide exceptional levels of customer service and itโ€™s a pleasure dealing with you. Itโ€™s so rare to be impressed with customer service these days but you all exceed all expectations every time.โ€

Sarah Morris

โ€œMy friend had recommended Cells4Life as a reliable and trustworthy cord blood bank. As soon as I read into the service there was no way I wouldnโ€™t use this for the future health of my baby and family. What is on offer is incredible and their service is second to none. I was so impressed with the entire team and cannot recommend them and the benefits of Umbilical Stem Cell blood bank storage enough. This is potentially life changing for you and your family.โ€

Naomi Isted
Style and Beauty Presenter & Columnist

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      *We have conducted in-house testing that shows TotiCyte recovers three times more stem cells at the point of therapy relative to our next best service, Cells. Cells uses AXP processing technology, which is used by the NHS and most cord blood banks in the USA.ย  A summary of these experiments can be foundย here.

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