Cord blood bank releases

Choosing a cord blood bank to protect your baby’s stem cells could be one of the most difficult decisions you will ever have to take. If only it were as simple as looking at who has the most features and who offers the most competitive cord blood banking prices or a combination of the two. The most important consideration is whether your baby’s precious cord blood will be therapeutically useful when it is needed, meaning you will need as many stem cells as possible and they need to be viable. It is as simple as that.

Cells4Life has a proven track record of successful transplants and we have developed world-leading, patented technology that yields more cells than any other bank in the world.


Clients in over 50 countries…

Experienced cord blood bank

We are one of the longest serving cord blood banks in Europe and the only bank to give your child access to multiple treatments. In 2014 we even became the first cord blood bank to provide umbilical cord tissue for an experimental new treatment, and have released cord blood both for routine transplants and pioneering regenerative therapies. Your baby’s stem cells could not be in safer or more experienced hands.

Cells4Life Stem Cell Treatments




Treatment centre

Sample provided


#01 2012 Blood disorder Imperial Trust – United Kingdom Cord blood Sibling
#02 2012 Cerebral injury Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord blood – sufficient for two treatments; further cord blood remains in storage with Cells4Life Donor
#03 2013 Leukaemia Imperial Trust – United Kingdom Cord blood Sibling
#04 2014 Patient specific therapy Guy’s & St. Thomas’ – United Kingdom Cord tissue Sibling
#05 2015 Acquired brain injury Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord blood – 5ml released (Transfusion #1) Donor
#06 2015 Acquired brain injury Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord blood – 5ml released (Transfusion #2) Donor
#07 2016 Acquired brain injury Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord blood – 5ml released (Transfusion #3) Donor
#08 2016 Perinatal stroke Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord blood Donor
#09 2017 Autism Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord blood Donor
#10 2018 Cerebral Palsy Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord blood Sibling
#11 2018 Autism Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord blood Donor
#12 2018 Diamond Blackfan Anaemia St Mary’s – United Kingdom Cord blood Sibling
#13 2018 Autism Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord blood Donor
#14 2021 Cerebral Palsy Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord blood Sibling
#15 2021 Cerebral Palsy Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord blood Sibling
#16 2022 Beta-Thalassemia Major Medanta Hospital – India Cord blood Sibling
#17 2022 Dystonic Cerebral Palsy Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord blood Sibling
#18 2023 Autism Nemocnica Malacky (Malacky Hospital), Slovakia Cord blood Sibling
#19 2023 Autism Mardaleishvili Medical Centre, Georgia Cord blood Donor
#20 2023 Cerebral Palsy Duke University – North Carolina, United States of America Cord Blood Sibling
Year Location Condition Sample Recipient
2012 Imperial Trust, UK Blood disorder Cord blood Sibling
2012 Duke University, USA Cerebral injury Cord blood x2 Donor
2013 Imperial Trust, UK Leukaemia Cord blood Sibling
2014 Guy’s & St Thomas’, UK Patient specific therapy Cord blood Sibling
2015 Duke University, USA Acquired brain injury Cord blood Donor
2016 Duke University, USA Acquired brain injury Cord blood Donor
2016 Duke University, USA Acquired brain injury Cord blood Donor
2016 Duke University, USA Perinatal stroke Cord blood Donor
2017 Duke University, USA Autism Cord blood Donor
2018 Duke University, USA Cerebral palsy Cord blood Sibling
2018 Duke University, USA Autism Cord blood Donor
2018 St Mary’s London, UK Diamond Blackfan Anaemia Cord blood Sibling
2018 Duke University, USA Autism Cord blood Donor
2021 Duke University, USA Cerebral Palsy Cord blood Sibling
2021 Duke University, USA Cerebral Palsy Cord blood Sibling
2022 Medanta Hospital, India Beta-Thalassemia major Cord blood Sibling
2022 Duke University, USA Dystonic Cerebral Palsy Cord Blood Sibling
2023 Nemocnica Malacky, Slovakia Autism Cord Blood Sibling
2023 Mardaleishvili Medical Centre, Georgia Autism Cord Blood Donor
2023 Duke University, USA Cerebral Palsy Cord Blood Sibling

Jamie’s story

More than a decade ago, Jamie and her husband decided to store their daughter’s precious cord blood with us. Two years later, they stored again for their baby boy. After he was diagnosed with autism, Cells4Life released the family’s umbilical cord stem cells so they could take part in Duke University’s autism clinical trial.

“Our little one received his cord blood in the spring of 2018. It’s been just over a year and we followed up the intervention with intensive therapy.

“If, on an effort scale of 1 to 10, we spent 8 managing his autism before the stem cells, we now spend less than 3. To us that’s really something and it’s enough to have made a decision we took 10 years ago, totally worth it.”


“Regenerative therapies using cord blood are not just the medicine of the future – they are happening now.”

  • For clients who choose Multiple Portions, there is the option to only release the amount of stem cells required – saving the remainder for future treatments
  • Cells4Life send all samples directly to the treating establishment in a specialist cryogenic shipping device – no additional processing is required
  • Cells4Life does not charge any release fee when you request your baby’s sample for treatment
  • No charge is made for the shipping of the sample for a recognised condition treated by haematopoietic stem cells (see the current list at
  • Cells4Life was the first UK cord blood bank to provide cord tissue for a therapy
  • In August 2021 and subsequently in October 2021, Cells4Life received two further requests for the release of samples – both for cerebral palsy
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