We have put together this cord blood banking infographic to help you make an informed decision about cord blood banking – including everything you need to know from what stem cells are to how they can be used. Simply download the image below to find out more.
Our Cells4Life Cord Blood Banking Infographic
Our cord blood banking infographic only scratches the surface of what stem cells can do – explore our website to find out more:
Stem cell treatments and clinical trials
Find out more about the current and potential uses of umbilical cord stem cells.
Compatible with delayed cord clamping?
Cord blood banking is 100% compatible with delayed cord clamping.
Why should you choose Cells4Life?
We are the UK’s leading and largest stem cell bank. Find out why.
Stem Cell Releases
In addition to all the advancements in stem cell therapy that are currently taking place around the world, we have also released 13 stem cell samples to help our customers access life-changing therapies. These have been for everything from cerebral palsy to autism, leukaemia to brain injury.
Stem Cell Blogs
If you liked our cord blood banking infographic, you will love our stem cell blog – we cover all the latest stem cell and cord blood news to help you keep up to date with any and all developments in regenerative medicine.
How much does stem cell storage cost?
If our cord blood banking infographic has you convinced, you can set-up your stem cell collection service today. We offer a range of different packages and payment plans to suit any budget.
Request a Welcome Pack
Find out more about cord blood banking by downloading a Welcome Pack now.
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