One of the questions we get asked most by expectant parents is whether or not cord blood banking is ‘worth it’. You may have heard about it online, or through a friend, but don’t necessarily know what it entails, or what the benefits are. In this blog, we’ll break...
In recent years cord blood banking has become increasingly popular amongst expectant parents but what exactly is cord blood banking and why should you consider it for your family? Cells4Life, the UK’s leading umbilical cord blood stem cell bank, answer their...
Choosing the right maternity hospital in London can be overwhelming, with so many choices. In this blog article, we’ve compiled a list of our top 10 London hospitals for giving birth. These hospitals stand out for their exceptional services and support for...
Your baby’s health is of the utmost importance so knowing the foods they could be allergic to is very useful. We are going to go through the most common allergies in this blog to make sure you as a parent are prepped and ready. What is an allergy? Just a quick bit of...
News about the coronavirus is pretty hard to escape at the moment. Whether it’s being reported on the TV, on the front page of a newspaper, or on social media, we are constantly exposed to it. And that’s not just to us adults, it’s our children too. It can be...