Bringing a baby into the world is a life-changing experience. Exciting, yet daunting, overwhelming but joyous, it’s no wonder that most parents frequently cite the days their children were born as the happiest days of their lives. However, the jubilation new parents...
November 15th is World Cord Blood Day. This annual event was created to raise awareness of cord blood, what it is and some of the therapeutic benefits it can offer. If you are curious to find out more, read on. What is cord blood? Umbilical cord blood (aka Cord...
In recent years cord blood banking has become increasingly popular amongst expectant parents but what exactly is cord blood banking and why should you consider it for your family? Cells4Life, the UK’s leading umbilical cord blood stem cell bank, answer their...
Studies suggest that relaxation during pregnancy can regulate emotional states and physiology [1]. It can reduce maternal stress and improve wellbeing [2], and even reduce anxiety symptoms in women with high-risk pregnancies [3]. Moreover, practising mindfulness can...
As any expectant parent knows, preparing for the arrival of a new baby requires a lot of decision-making. After all, it’s only natural that you want to be sure that you’ve made the right choice for your baby and your family. That’s why we’ve written this guide for you...
The first trimester of pregnancy marks the beginning of a remarkable journey of growth and transformation. This period is characterised by rapid development, starting from a single master cell to a miniature wonder with a beating heart. In this blog post, we will...