Stem Cell Blog

The uses of umbilical cord stem cells are rapidly increasing. Ten years ago, cord blood could treat about 40 conditions but today, that number is now over 80. As we look forward to new therapies for diseases and disorders like diabetes, autism and stroke, you can keep up to date with the latest developments in regenerative medicine on our stem cell blog.

Stem Cell Blog

The uses of umbilical cord stem cells are rapidly increasing. Ten years ago, cord blood could treat about 40 conditions but today, that number is now over 80. As we look forward to new therapies for diseases and disorders like diabetes, autism and stroke, you can keep up to date with the latest developments in regenerative medicine on our stem cell blog.
Cord Blood Banking – What You Need To Know

Cord Blood Banking – What You Need To Know

In recent years cord blood banking has become increasingly popular amongst expectant parents but what exactly is cord blood banking and why should you consider it for your family?  Cells4Life, the UK's leading umbilical cord blood stem cell bank, answer their most...

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Stem Cell Therapy For Autism

Stem Cell Therapy For Autism

A recent study has suggested that therapeutic interventions such as umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy, which impact immune modulation and regulation of neural connectivity, have shown great promise in the treatment of autism. What was the study and what did it...

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