Stem Cell Blog
Stem Cell Blog
How Aditi Shankar Pioneered British Medicine with a Kidney Transplant
Aditi Shankar is just eight years old, but she is a pioneer of British medicine thanks to a new way in which she has received a kidney transplant. But first, a little about the girl. Aditi has the rarest form of dwarfism in the world, Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia...
Delayed Cord Clamping & Cord Blood Banking – Can They Work Together?
When you're pregnant, you may be considering what you can do with your baby's placenta and umbilical cord after birth. You might have heard of delayed cord clamping or even optimal cord clamping, as well as the possibility of storing the leftover blood from your...
Cord Blood Banking – What You Need To Know
In recent years cord blood banking has become increasingly popular amongst expectant parents but what exactly is cord blood banking and why should you consider it for your family? Cells4Life, the UK's leading umbilical cord blood stem cell bank, answer their most...
What You Need To Know About Leukaemia | World Leukaemia Day 2023
Today is World Leukaemia Day, an opportune moment to raise awareness of this type of blood cancer. We'll be asking what is Leukaemia? What are the symptoms? And, what role does cord blood play in fighting against this form of cancer? What is Leukaemia? Leukaemia, a...
Stem Cell Therapy For Autism
A recent study has suggested that therapeutic interventions such as umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy, which impact immune modulation and regulation of neural connectivity, have shown great promise in the treatment of autism. What was the study and what did it...