If you’re considering cord blood stem cell banking, you may have some questions. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Our experts have put together a comprehensive guide to the top five frequently asked questions on the subject. Read on to get all the information you need to make an informed decision.

First, it’s essential to know that cord blood banking is not routinely available in UK hospitals. Only eight hospitals in the UK accept umbilical cord blood donations for public use. The stem cells in the donated cord blood can be used by anyone who matches.

If you want to ensure that your baby’s cord blood is reserved solely for your family, a private or family blood bank is your only option. At Cells4Life, we’ve gathered cord blood samples for thousands of families from more than 200 NHS and private hospitals in the UK.

What makes my baby’s cord blood stem cells so special?

Your baby’s cord blood stem cells are a perfect match genetically, making them extremely special. They hold incredible promise as a source of safe and effective medical treatments in the future without the risk of rejection or negative long-term effects. Plus, with a 1 in 4 chance of being a perfect match for siblings, your baby’s cord blood stem cells offer a precious gift. Learn more about recent medical breakthroughs in stem cell science.

Will cord blood collection affect my birth plan?

At Cells4Life, we recognise that no two birth plans are alike. That’s why we proudly accommodate a diverse range of birth types, such as home births, c-sections, multiple births, and even those mothers who want to delay the clamping of their baby’s umbilical cord. We aim to offer you a tailored experience to ensure the best possible outcome for you and your newborn.

Is cord blood collection compatible with delayed cord clamping?

Delayed cord clamping is recommended by theย National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)ย and is gaining popularity among parents who want to give their babies the best start in life. However, it’s important to note that both delayed and optimal cord clamping can affect the amount of blood available for cord blood collection.

Cells4Life CellsPlus service, powered by TotiCyte is the first cord blood banking service completely compatible with delayed or optimal cord clamping. This patented CellsPlus technology โ€“ exclusive to Cells4Life – allows us to process smaller volumes of cord blood, equivalent to up to three times greater than samples processed using our next best service and other cord blood processing technologies currently available in the UK.

Do extra people need to be present at the birth?

No additional professionals need to be present at the time of childbirth to harvest umbilical cord blood. A phlebotomist is required to harvest the cord blood from the umbilical cord, but they don’t need to be in the room while you give birth. The cord blood isn’t collected until after both the baby and placenta have been delivered, so there’s minimal disruption to mother and baby and no interference with those first precious moments with your baby.

What steps need to be done before the cord blood is collected?

We will organise everything for you from the moment you choose a stem cell collection with Cells4Life for your baby. When the big day comes, all you need to do is have your Collection Kit with you and contact the phlebotomist once you go into labour.

After the birth of your child and the removal of the placenta, your phlebotomist or consultant will use your Collection Kit to gather the umbilical cord blood, tissue, and a sample of your blood. They’ll then carefully pack them into our specially prepared transport bags for courier collection. The whole cord blood collection procedure takes between 20 and 30 minutes to perform.

At birth, there is a unique opportunity to save the most the most powerful source of stem cells your baby will ever have.ย  If you would like to know more or have any questions, contact our friendly expert team on 01444 873950. We would be happy to help you secure the best future for your precious little one.


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