In 2017, Eric Lyons, an American living in Cambodia, suffered a traumatic brain injury after hitting his head ‘very strongly’ on a door frame. According to Parents’ Guide to Cord Blood Banking: “His doctors explained to him that brain injury is...
Why should I bank my baby’s cord blood? How is it collected? What can it be used for? Questions you may find yourself asking. Hopefully, you’ll find the answers here. Why bank cord blood? Banking cord blood is less about the blood and more about the precious stem...
Do you know anyone excepting a baby soon? Bit stuck on what to get them for Christmas. Fret not dear reader we are here to help inspire you. Don’t leave it to the last minute! Read on for ideas. For Mum Let’s kick this off right and start with gifts for the mum-to-be....
Could there be a way to treat Crohn’s disease using stem cells? A case study from 2022 may be shedding some light on that very possibility. If you are curious to find out more read on. Unpacking The Details: What Is This Disease? Crohn’s Disease is a type of...
November 15th is World Cord Blood Day. This annual event was created to raise awareness of cord blood, what it is and some of the therapeutic benefits it can offer. If you are curious to find out more, read on. What is cord blood? Umbilical cord blood (aka Cord...
You’ve maybe heard of cord blood banking and even cord tissue banking, but have you heard of placenta banking? Often thrown away as medical waste, the placenta is a valuable source of stem cells. Curious about storing it? Let us be your guide. What is the Placenta? If...