Why Bank Your Baby’s Cord Blood?

Why Bank Your Baby’s Cord Blood?

You or may not have heard of cord blood banking.  Further to that you may or may not know that it is a good idea to bank umbilical cord blood. Well, however much or little you may know about it all we hope to give you a quick overview as to why you should bank your...
The Cost of Having a Baby in 2022

The Cost of Having a Baby in 2022

Having a baby costs money. Much like anything in the world, there are expenses involved with keeping your baby clothed, fed, happy and healthy. It is 100% worth it but, sometimes people don’t realise how much you will spend within a year of having a baby let alone...
What is BabyInsight?

What is BabyInsight?

Finding out sooner rather than later if your baby might be lactose intolerant or might have an AAT deficiency could be a game-changer. Alongside the heel prick test which already gives you great information about your baby’s health, BabyInsight is a service offered by...
Stem Cells and Cystic Fibrosis

Stem Cells and Cystic Fibrosis

There are always new studies being conducted to understand the potential therapeutic uses of stem cells. In this blog, we will be exploring a particular set of experiments conducted by two recognised experts in cloning and stem cell therapy, Frank McKeon and Wa Xian....

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