Here at Cells4Life, we’re always looking for ways to keep you up to speed with everything in the fast-moving world of stem cell technology. We know that as future parents, you’re keen to know how it works. And, whether it could work for your family. Just imagine: a...
Did you know that you can secure the most powerful source of stem cells available within minutes of birth by choosing cord blood banking? If you are still undecided on whether to go ahead with stem cell banking, check out our list of pros and cons to help you decide....
Stem cell banking gives your child access to a huge range of emerging stem cell therapies that may otherwise be unavailable to them. The idea is that as they age their perfectly matched, banked stem cells are ready and waiting to repair damaged tissue, for example...
A Phase II trial investigating the use of umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to treat bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in premature infants has shown promising initial results, giving way to a larger Phase II study, focusing on a subset of babies who...
Researchers at Kyoto University’s Centre for iPS Cell Research and Application in Japan are moving ahead with the world’s first application of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to treat Parkinson’s disease. The team, led by neurosurgeon Jun Takahashi, will now...
According to new research, an injection of cells from the placenta can ease the pain and other symptoms of arthritis sufferers for up to one year. The new treatment, ReNu, developed by British-US-based firm Organogensis, is made from cells of the innermost layer of...