Placenta Saves Man’s Leg From Amputation

Placenta Saves Man’s Leg From Amputation

After a nick caused by a small shard of glass went unnoticed, Canadian Ron Williams developed a deep, infected wound spanning from the heel to the middle of his foot. Even after six months of hospital treatment, the wound wouldn’t heal; if the infection had persisted,...
Placenta Grafts Aid in Facial Reconstruction

Placenta Grafts Aid in Facial Reconstruction

A recent story published by The New York Times has highlighted the life-changing potential placenta holds for the treatment of severe burns and wounds. The story follows Marcella Townsend, who was left unrecognisable by second and third degree burns she suffered after...
What Are The Benefits Of Placenta Banking?

What Are The Benefits Of Placenta Banking?

Placenta banking is the process of collecting the powerful cells from the placenta after birth and storing them for your baby should they need to use them in future.  Although the placenta is usually thrown away as medical waste after the birth, there are a huge array...

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