Stem Cell Blog

The uses of umbilical cord stem cells are rapidly increasing. Ten years ago, cord blood could treat about 40 conditions but today, that number is now over 80. As we look forward to new therapies for diseases and disorders like diabetes, autism and stroke, you can keep up to date with the latest developments in regenerative medicine on our stem cell blog.

Stem Cell Blog

The uses of umbilical cord stem cells are rapidly increasing. Ten years ago, cord blood could treat about 40 conditions but today, that number is now over 80. As we look forward to new therapies for diseases and disorders like diabetes, autism and stroke, you can keep up to date with the latest developments in regenerative medicine on our stem cell blog.
Baby’s Stem Cell Storage: Debunking 4 Common Myths

Baby’s Stem Cell Storage: Debunking 4 Common Myths

Baby stem cell storage may be a service you already know a huge amount about, or perhaps you are just starting out on your fact-finding journey. If you have already done your research, you may worry that what you have been reading could be fraught with misconceptions....

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Pre-Made Stem Cell Treatment for Aggressive Brain Cancer

Pre-Made Stem Cell Treatment for Aggressive Brain Cancer

Cancer is something we always hear about. It is a scary topic and something that will potentially affect 1 In 2 (50%) males and 45% of females who were born post-1960 in the UK. Research is always being done into potential treatments and even cures, with sometimes...

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CAR T Cell Therapy

CAR T Cell Therapy

Is This The Beginning of the End…for Cancer? Well, it could be. A positive story for our times. Read all about how specialist immunotherapy treatment saved a little girl’s life. And how 10 years on, she’s still cancer-free and looking forward to a great...

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All About Sickle Cell Disease

All About Sickle Cell Disease

In our latest blog, we’re bringing you plenty of user-friendly information about Sickle Cell Disease. What is it, who’s affected by it, and importantly – how could the preservation of stem cells lead the way in finding a cure?June 19th is World Sickle Cell Day, a day...

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