Stem Cell Blog
Stem Cell Blog
Water births and cord blood banking
As your due date approaches, you’re probably wondering if a water birth is the right option for you. For many, it’s a great way to ease the burden of a painful labour – but it’s not without risks. Here’s everything you need to know to make your choice. What is a water...
Are Stem Cells Ace for Tennis Players?
With Wimbledon underway once again this summer, we’ve taken a look at the ways stem cells are revolutionising one of Britain’s best-loved sports: tennis. The origins of the sport date back thousands of years and in the 1500s, both Henry VII and Henry VIII were fans....
How many parents bank their baby’s cord blood?
More parents are choosing private cord blood banking than ever before, according to new statistics published by the BBC. The numbers, which come from the Human Tissue Authority (HTA), show that there was an incredible 60% increase in cord blood collection and storage...
Summer 2019: An Update On Stem Cell Uses
In the past year, potential stem cell uses have rapidly increased and the number of stem cell clinical trials has grown from 6,500 to 7,255. Just in the first half of 2019, there have been impressive developments in regenerative medicine – including a one-year-old boy...
2019 Advanced Therapies Congress: Top 5 Regenerative Medicine Insights
The future of cord blood for regenerative medicine is bright. That was abundantly clear from this year’s World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress, which is now in its fifth year. Once again, the congress brought together more than 1,000 attendees...