The incorrectly named ‘Morning Sickness’ is something that affects a lot of pregnant women. Understandably this nausea, even vomiting, can be a real pain. Everyone is different of course. Some will glide through completely fine whilst others end up suffering...
Your baby’s health is of the utmost importance so knowing the foods they could be allergic to is very useful. We are going to go through the most common allergies in this blog to make sure you as a parent are prepped and ready. What is an allergy? Just a quick bit of...
Private cord blood banking costs as little as £550 upfront, plus a small annual fee, and payment can be spread over 12 months, meaning it may be less expensive than you think. We offer a huge range of cord blood banking packages, that include everything from cord...
The placenta represents a special moment in time and remains the very essence of that intimate and eternal bond between mother and baby. If you’re keen to pay tribute to this relationship or moment in time, you may be thinking about keeping your placenta, but what are...
If you are curious about the process of cord blood collection, you will be pleased to read that as the parents your involvement in the process is minimal. Collection is designed so that you can focus on the birth of your child, and it will not impact on your birth...
Both are used for stem cells, each with their unique features but many differences too. So is one better than the other? We want to find out which if either is better. We will explore the uses of cord blood and bone marrow stem cells, when one would be used over the...