Stem Cell Blog

The uses of umbilical cord stem cells are rapidly increasing. Ten years ago, cord blood could treat about 40 conditions but today, that number is now over 80. As we look forward to new therapies for diseases and disorders like diabetes, autism and stroke, you can keep up to date with the latest developments in regenerative medicine on our stem cell blog.

Stem Cell Blog

The uses of umbilical cord stem cells are rapidly increasing. Ten years ago, cord blood could treat about 40 conditions but today, that number is now over 80. As we look forward to new therapies for diseases and disorders like diabetes, autism and stroke, you can keep up to date with the latest developments in regenerative medicine on our stem cell blog.

Caesarean Awareness Month 2015

April is Caesarean Awareness Month.  There are many reasons why a woman may give birth to her baby via a caesarean section; it may be planned in advance, there may be complications during labour or it may be a medical emergency, although thankfully emergency...

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Stem Cell Pioneers 2015

Stem Cell Pioneers 2015

This week we’re talking a look at some of the men and women who are pioneering the advancement of stem cell research. Pablo Rubinstein founded the world’s first public cord blood bank in New York in 1992, since then public cord blood banks have been opened across the...

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Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month 2015

Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month 2015

March is Cerebral Palsy (CP) Awareness Month and we’re excited to be taking part by raising awareness of this condition and how cord blood stem cells are playing a major role in finding an effective treatment for CP. Cerebral palsy is a condition that affects muscle...

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Rare Disease Day: Metabolic Disorders

Rare Disease Day: Metabolic Disorders

Saturday 28th February is Rare Disease Day.  This week we will be taking a closer look at rare metabolic disorders and how stem cells could help. There are between 6,000 – 8,000 known rare diseases [1]; any disease affecting fewer than 5 people in 10 000 is considered...

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Congenital Heart Disease

Congenital Heart Disease

We’re continuing our support of National Heart Awareness Month as we look at congenital heart disease throughout this week and how stem cells could offer CHD patients hope. Congenital heart disease is general term for a range of birth defects which affect the way the...

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