Stem Cell Blog

The uses of umbilical cord stem cells are rapidly increasing. Ten years ago, cord blood could treat about 40 conditions but today, that number is now over 80. As we look forward to new therapies for diseases and disorders like diabetes, autism and stroke, you can keep up to date with the latest developments in regenerative medicine on our stem cell blog.

Stem Cell Blog

The uses of umbilical cord stem cells are rapidly increasing. Ten years ago, cord blood could treat about 40 conditions but today, that number is now over 80. As we look forward to new therapies for diseases and disorders like diabetes, autism and stroke, you can keep up to date with the latest developments in regenerative medicine on our stem cell blog.
Could cord blood help to extend lives by 5 healthy years?

Could cord blood help to extend lives by 5 healthy years?

Wayne Channon, Chairman of Cells4Life, talks to Susan Flory at the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity about the role of umbilical cord blood and regenerative medicine in achieving 5 years of healthy life expectancy for all British citizens by 2035. Click the...

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Cord Blood Awareness Month

Cord Blood Awareness Month

Throughout July we are celebrating Cord Blood Awareness Month, which aims to raise awareness amongst expectant parents about the importance of saving umbilical cord blood, as well as the valuable stem cells that it contains. Each week we will be discussing a different...

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Cord blood banking during COVID-19 FAQs

Cord blood banking during COVID-19 FAQs

We have had many parents getting in touch with us about the impact that COVID-19 may have on banking their baby’s umbilical cord blood during the pandemic. Over the last week or so, we have collected your Frequently Asked Questions about cord blood banking and...

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