Stem Cell Blog

The uses of umbilical cord stem cells are rapidly increasing. Ten years ago, cord blood could treat about 40 conditions but today, that number is now over 80. As we look forward to new therapies for diseases and disorders like diabetes, autism and stroke, you can keep up to date with the latest developments in regenerative medicine on our stem cell blog.

Stem Cell Blog

The uses of umbilical cord stem cells are rapidly increasing. Ten years ago, cord blood could treat about 40 conditions but today, that number is now over 80. As we look forward to new therapies for diseases and disorders like diabetes, autism and stroke, you can keep up to date with the latest developments in regenerative medicine on our stem cell blog.
How Cord Blood Transfusions Could Treat Krabbe Disease

How Cord Blood Transfusions Could Treat Krabbe Disease

A new study published by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine suggests cord blood could extend the lives of children with Krabbe disease. Research, led by Dr Maria Escolar, showed that cord blood transfusions not only improved life expectancy for patients,...

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Writing a birth plan: everything you need to know

Writing a birth plan: everything you need to know

Planning a pregnancy can be overwhelming. There is a lot to prepare before baby’s big arrival, and it is easy to balk at what can seem like a never-ending list of things to do. Fortunately, writing a birth plan can get everyone up to speed in seconds – from your...

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Stem cells treat sensorineural hearing loss

Stem cells treat sensorineural hearing loss

The results from a small-scale study in Florida, USA offer hope that hearing loss may soon be reversible thanks to the power of cord blood stem cells. Earlier this year, doctors at Florida Children’s Hospital treated children with their own stem cell...

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Scientists Use Stem Cells to Repair a Cleft Palate

Scientists Use Stem Cells to Repair a Cleft Palate

Umbilical cord stem cells could help to repair bone and tissue for babies born with a cleft palate. Researchers at Hospital De San Jose in Bogota, Colombia, tested cord blood stem cells on nine children in their trial. Results suggested that full recovery is possible....

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30 Years of Cord Blood Banking: Then and Now

30 Years of Cord Blood Banking: Then and Now

In 1988, an international team of doctors came together to perform the first ever cord blood transplant on a five-year-old boy. On the 30th anniversary of his surgery, Cells4Life takes a look at the past, present and future of stem cell science. 30 years ago,...

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